1. 컨트롤러 테스트를 진행하고 있었다.

<aside> 1️⃣ 오류가 생긴 코드


  1. ControllerTestSupport 코드
import com.jinan.profile.controller.board.BoardController;
import com.jinan.profile.controller.chat.ChatMainController;
import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.WebMvcTest;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Import;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Profile;

@Import(TestSecurityConfig.class) // 테스트 설정 클래스 적용
public abstract class ControllerTestSupport {

  1. BoardControllerTest 코드
@DisplayName("[Board] - 컨트롤러 테스트")
class BoardControllerTest extends ControllerTestSupport {

    @Autowired private MockMvc mockMvc;
    @Autowired private ObjectMapper objectMapper;

    @MockBean private BoardRepository boardRepository;
    @MockBean private BoardService boardService;

		@DisplayName("메인페이지에서는 누구나 모든 게시글을 볼 수 있다.")
		void test() throws Exception {
		    List<BoardDto> boardDtoList = Arrays.asList(
		            new BoardDto(1L, "Title 1", "Content 1", 100, 10, LocalDateTime.now(), LocalDateTime.now()),
		            new BoardDto(2L, "Title 2", "Content 2", 200, 20, LocalDateTime.now(), LocalDateTime.now())
		    //when & then
		            .andExpect(view().name("/board/list")) // return하는 view 검증
		            .andExpect(model().attributeExists("boardList")) // "boardList" 속성이 존재하는지 검증
		            .andExpect(model().attribute("boardList", Matchers.hasSize(2))) //"boardList" 속성의 크기가 2인지 검증
		            .andExpect(model().attribute("boardList", Matchers.hasItem(
		                            Matchers.hasProperty("boardId", Matchers.is(1L)),
		                            Matchers.hasProperty("title", Matchers.is("Title 1")),
		                            Matchers.hasProperty("content", Matchers.is("Content 1")),
		                            Matchers.hasProperty("views", Matchers.is(100)),
		                            Matchers.hasProperty("likes", Matchers.is(10))
		            ))); // "boardList" 속성에 특정 조건을 만족하는 항목이 포함되어 있는지 검증

  1. BoardDto 코드
import com.jinan.profile.domain.board.Board;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;

 * DTO for {@link Board}
public record BoardDto(
        Long boardId,
        String title,
        String content,
        int views,
        int likes,
        LocalDateTime createdAt,
        LocalDateTime updatedAt
) {

    // factory method of 선언
    public static BoardDto of(Long boardId, String title, String content, int views, int likes, LocalDateTime createdAt, LocalDateTime updatedAt) {
        return new BoardDto(boardId, title, content, views, likes, createdAt, updatedAt);

    // 서비스 레이어에서 entity를 dto로 변환시켜주는 코드
    public static BoardDto fromEntity(Board entity) {
        return BoardDto.of(


<aside> 2️⃣ 오류 메시지


Model attribute 'boardList'
Expected: a collection containing (hasProperty("boardId", is <1L>) and hasProperty("title", is "Title 1") and hasProperty("content", is "Content 1") and hasProperty("views", is <100>) and hasProperty("likes", is <10>))
     but: mismatches were: [hasProperty("boardId", is <1L>) No property "boardId", hasProperty("boardId", is <1L>) No property "boardId"]
java.lang.AssertionError: Model attribute 'boardList'
Expected: a collection containing (hasProperty("boardId", is <1L>) and hasProperty("title", is "Title 1") and hasProperty("content", is "Content 1") and hasProperty("views", is <100>) and hasProperty("likes", is <10>))
     but: mismatches were: [hasProperty("boardId", is <1L>) No property "boardId", hasProperty("boardId", is <1L>) No property "boardId"]

<aside> 3️⃣ 오류 파악


<aside> 4️⃣ 해결 방안


<aside> 5️⃣ 해결 완료
